

Declaration of Interests, Dispensations and Predetermination:

Members are required to declare any interests, dispensations or predetermination on items on this agenda. Members are reminded that changes to the Register of Interests should be notified to the Clerk.

Present:  Cllr. Bunyan (Chairman), Cllrs. Somers and Hatcher


23/02680/FULL & 23/02743/LBC

Hartridge House Starvenden Lane Sissinghurst Cranbrook Kent TN17 2AN

Variation of Condition 2 of Planning Permission 22/01975/FULL – Reduction in size of garage and additional small store, omission of windows on North elevation ground floor, addition of door to East elevation. Internal alterations including inclusion of doors, closing of openings and installation of new posts, installation of arches and timber panelling to walls.

Cllr. Bunyan recommended APPROVAL seconded by Cllr. Hatcher and agreed, subject to the views of the Conservation officer.


OS Plot 4462 Oak Tree Farm Wilsley Pound Sissinghurst Cranbrook Kent TN17 2HU

Provision of 4 additional gypsy pitches including the erection of an amenity building and laying of additional hardstanding.

Cllr. Hatcher recommended APPROVAL, seconded by Cllr. Somers and agreed on condition that:

  • The site shall not be occupied by any persons other than gypsies and travellers, defined as persons of nomadic habit of life whatever their race or origin, including such persons as defined in Planning Policy for Traveller Sites, August 2015 (or any subsequent definition that supersedes that document).
  • The site to be connected to the main drainage system or a suitably sized sewage treatment plant installed.


Annex Trenley Farm Gills Green Cranbrook Kent TN18 5AH

Extension to existing annex and addition of first floor, including alterations to windows and creation of a door on the ground floor and creation of windows and roof lights on the first floor.

Cllr. Hatcher recommended APPROVAL, seconded by Cllr. Somers and agreed.

23/02781/FULL & 23/02782/LBC

Erection of single storey dwelling in relation to 16/505072/FULL & 16/505075/LBC

Land rear of 31 Stone Street Cranbrook Kent TN17 3HF

Cllr. Bunyan recommended to remain NEAUTRAL, seconded by Cllr. Hatcher and agreed, subject to the views of the Conservation Architect.

The Parish Council preferred this single storey design in preference to the previous two storey one.  Concern was expressed that vehicles may not be able to drive out of the site in forward gear.


Letter Box Cottage Friezley Lane Cranbrook Kent TN17 2LL

Installation of tennis court lighting (retrospective)

Cllr. Bunyan recommended APPROVAL, seconded by Cllr. Hatcher with the following Conditions:

  • Any outside lighting should comply to Policy HD4.10 of the Cranbrook and Sissinghurst Parish Council Neighbourhood Development Plan:

Development proposals should respond positively to the dark skies’ environment. a) Outside lighting should be at the lowest level to achieve its intended purpose and use dark sky-friendly lighting. b) Any exterior, street, and public lighting in the High Weald AONB should follow the Institute of Lighting Professionals Guidance (AONB) for Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. c) The impacts of any lighting proposed on biodiversity should be identified and considered. Lighting design should be bat sensitive. Any negative impact should be mitigated through appropriate site and lighting design.

  • Lighting should be turned off at 21.00 hours.


Land adjacent to Orchard Cottage The Common Sissinghurst Cranbrook Kent TN17 2AD

Erection of five dwellinghouses, associated gardens and parking spaces and the provision of access road.

The Parish Council recommended REFUSAL for the following reasons:

  • Lack of non-selective secondary school in Cranbrook
  • Concern regarding utility companies’ ability to supply
  • Access on to the A229 is very dangerous
  • This application does not meet the local housing need.
  • No mention of sustainability details e.g., Photo voltaic/heat pumps

 Proposed by Cllr. Bunyan, seconded by Cllr. Somers and agreed.

The Parish Council did not object to the design and materials of the proposed dwelling.





23/02407/FULL Sissinghurst Court Sissinghurst Road Sissinghurst Kent TN17 2JA – Replacement garage and replacement pool room building.

23/02328/FULL Walton Lodge Angley Road Cranbrook Kent TN17 2PG – Proposed extension to garage building and conversion of garages to ancillary living accommodation, with repositioning of windows, creation of windows and doors, new rooflights and solar panels.

23/02317/LBC 49 High Street Cranbrook Kent TN17 3EE – Listed Building Consent – Change of use of first & second floor offices to a two-bedroom residential flat with associated internal alterations, including new timber stud partition, extract fan outlets.

23/02364/FULL 69 Wheatfield Way Cranbrook Kent TN17 3NB – Single storey rear and side extension and first floor rear extension.

23/02377/TPO 11 Rammell Mews Cranbrook Kent TN17 3BQ – Trees: ASH (A1) Reduce 30% and cut back to five 2m clearance of structures.


23/02244/HYBRID Outline (All matters reserved except access and layout) – Erection of 9 no. residential units; Full application – Cration of a new vehicular access to Swattenden Lane.



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