
Properties & Burials July 2022


PRESENT: Cllr. Gilbert (in the Chair), Cllrs. Bunyan, Kings and Rampling

APOLOGIES: None given

Declaration of Interests, Dispensations and Predetermination:

Members are required to declare any interests, dispensations or predetermination on items on this agenda in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct. Members are reminded that changes to the Register of Interests should be notified to the Clerk.

1/22: Election of Vice Chairman.

Cllr. Bunyan nominated Cllr. Rampling to take the position of Vice Chairman, this was seconded by Cllr. Kings and agreed.

2/22: Amendments to Burial Grounds Rules and Regulations – removal of unauthorised memorials

Following inspection of Golford cemetery it was concluded that no action was currently required.

3/22: To consider quotes for replacement hand dryer and fuse box

A quote of £120 had been obtained to replace the faulty hand dryer in the disabled toilet cubicle in Vestry Hall. Cllr. Gilbert proposed the quote be accepted; it was seconded by Cllr. Kings and agreed.

Following the recent annual electrical inspection, it had been recommended the fuse box in the Council Chamber be replaced. Cllr. Kings proposed that the £500 quote obtained be accepted, this was seconded by Cllr. Bunyan and approved.

4/22: To consider not mowing in the burial grounds during month of May

The committee discussed the advantages and disadvantages of various options. It was decided the Clerk would liaise with the grounds contractors to gain a better understanding of the cost implications of ceasing grass cutting at all three parish council maintained burial grounds (Goldford, Sissinghurst and St Dunstan’s) for the month of May in 2023.

5/22: Allocation of Sites for Responsibility:

The allocated areas of responsibility were agreed as follows:

Cllr. Gilbert                 Vestry Hall Complex

Cllr. Rampling            Sissinghurst Cemetery and War Memorial

Cllr. Gilbert                 Golford Cemetery

Cllr. Bunyan               Angley Cottage

Cllr. Kings                  Noticeboards/Shelters/Benches/Cycle Racks/Red Telephone Kiosks and Cranbrook War Memorial.

Cllr. Fletcher               Tanyard Dental Surgery and Crane Lane Public Toilet Building.

Cllr. Gilbert                 St. Dunstan’s Churchyard

6/22: Issues from Inspections:

a) Museum display cabinet lighting in Vestry Hall

The Clerk reported that several of the bulbs in the cabinet are no longer working. Cllr. Gilbert requested costs for energy efficient replacements.

b) The outside light above the Vestry Hall fire exit door has not been working. The Clerk will investigate the potential cause of the failure.

c) Cubicle signage and wall bin for the public toilets – The Clerk circulated examples of male and female cubicle signage and a wall bin. The committee discussed the need for purchasing the items. It was decided to not go ahead with the purchase of the signs as the toilets are only temporary. It was also decided to not install a wall fixed bin as it is likely to be a target for vandalism.

d) War memorial hedge trimming – The committee discussed whether the council should pay for the maintenance of the height of neighbouring hedge adjacent to the Cranbrook war memorial. Cllr. Kings offered to visit the site and report back.

e) Sissinghurst cemetery possible path repairs – during the visit to Sissinghurst cemetery it was decided that a quote should be obtained for repairs to the entrance path. The Clerk will obtain quotes and feedback.

f) Sissinghurst cemetery gate posts – during the site visit it was noted that the gate posts for the entrance gate are rooting and unstable. The Clerk will obtain quotes and feedback.

g) Sissinghurst Cemetery Lychgate gutter brackets – one of the gutters is hanging low due to broken brackets. The cost to replace would be minimal. Cllr Gilbert proposed the repairs are undertaken; this was seconded by Cllr. Bunyan and agreed.

h) During the walk-through of St Dunstan’s church yard, the Clerk pointed out a wasp’s nest. The committee agreed to take no further action.

7/22: Items for Information:  


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