
Economic & Community 21st June 2022

HELD ON TUESDAY 21st June 2022

PRESENT: Cllr. Hatcher (Chair), Cllrs., Dyke, Pethurst, Simpson and Tomlinson

APOLOGIES: Cllrs. Beck, Fletcher, Gilbert, Waters

Declaration of Interests, Dispensations, Predetermination or Lobbying:

Members are required to declare any interests, dispensations or predetermination on items on this agenda in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct. Members are reminded that changes to the Register of Interests should be notified to the Clerk.

1/22: Nomination of Vice Chair

Cllr. Hatcher nominated Wendy Waters. Seconded by Cllr Pethurst and agreed.

2/22: Presentation from Paddock Wood Community Advice Centre:
Fiona Pengelley from Paddock Wood Community Advice Centre gave an overview of the charity, including their history, services they offer and income streams. They already help residents of Cranbrook, and they are keen to ensure that more residents in Cranbrook and Sissinghurst are aware of them. The committee thanked Fiona for the introduction to the charity and the important service that they offer. The parish council will promote via Facebook, website and Cake magazine.

3/22: Committee Structure:

Cllr. Hatcher read out a letter from Cllr Fletcher. He felt that it will become an increasingly important committee over the next couple of years as economic and social factors are going to put a strain on community cohesion. The letter thanked the members for being part of the committee.

Cllr. Hatcher referred to the committee structure document for Economic and Community. It has not been updated since before the committee previously went into abeyance. He asked members to review the committee structure document with a view to updating at the next meeting.

Discussions on the frequency of the meeting took place. It was agreed that un-clerked working groups will take place between the quarterly clerked meetings. Meeting start time will move to 5pm. Action: Clerk to advise of room availability in July.

4/22: Budget and Five-year plans:

Cllr. Hatcher explained that, for historical reasons, any budget within the Economic and Community cost code was allocated for community grants. Now is a good time to start thinking about any future projects that might need financial assistance. This can then feed in to budgeting for the next financial year.

Action: Clerk to share current 5-year plan with committee members

5/22: Parish Council Website and Facebook:

Referring to the link for the development site which had been shared prior to the meeting, Cllr. Hatcher has recently meet with the developer who has indicated that the website should be completed within the next two weeks.

The events page needs attention, more photos and some extra content are required. Cllr. Simpson offered to provide content for a local history of Sissinghurst.

Cllr. Hatcher will contact all councillors requesting photos, ideas, content, and will create a Facebook post.

6/22: Event Organisation & Event Packs:

Cllr. Hatcher discussed the idea of setting an event fund/trust that the local event organisers can request funding from, with a commitment to also putting money back into the fund. He will research further for discussion at a future meeting.

7/22: Business Links

No update

8/22: Volunteers:

Nourish are currently trailing a scheme whereby the provide crockpots with recipes and appropriate ingredients.

Finding volunteers is the challenging, particularly those prepared to be project leaders. There is a website which helps match organisations looking for volunteers, with those looking to offer their time/skills.

9/22: Tourism:

Cllr. Hatcher had recently attended a meeting of the Tourism Group.

Some updates include:

  • The museum has discovered a box of photographs from WW1 and are planning on displaying a selection in Vestry Hall for Armistice Day.
  • The museum display in the Vestry Hall will be update to reflect the theme of the current museum exhibition
  • The Tourism group are planning an advertisement in the Wealden Advertiser promoting Cranbrook tourist attractions

Cllr. Pethurst highlighted the Ball Field entry to SE in Bloom competition. He noted that there is lots of history regarding the Ball Field that could be display on boards, websites etc. He also mentioned the tourism board in Jockey Lane has gone missing. The clerk informed that Tunbridge Wells Borough Council tourism department had been notified and a replacement has been requested.

It was pointed out the Visit Cranbrook and Sissinghurst website was not working. Cllr Hatcher will contact the developer to resolve and discuss how to enable future updates of the site content.

There is also a Cranbrook Tourism section on TWBC’s website which could be linked to the parish council main website.

10/22: Citizens Advice

Cllr. Hatcher is hoping to arrange a meeting with a CA representative.

11/22: Community Kitchen

A questionnaire is currently in development. With the aim of understanding what it is that people need help with, and who could volunteer. It was suggested that the questionnaire could be designed differently with sections for the respondent to complete about themselves, but also other sections them to complete about their neighbour’s needs.

12/22: Community Engagement – Monthly Surgeries

Cllr. Pethurst to continue researching initiative.

13/22: Cake Magazine

Coffee Shop Media are to take on some of the editor’s role. All councillors are being asked to source ideas and content for future issues of the magazine.

14/22: Use of Crane Valley for Events

Cllr. Hatcher explained that Cllr. Fletcher had raised the agenda item. In his absence the committee brainstormed some potential ideas including, a pop-up boxing ring, craft workshops, picnics with music, children’s entertainers. It was suggested the item return to the agenda at the next meeting for Cllr. Fletcher to present further.

15/22: Items for Information

Cllr. Tomlinson reported that Cranbrook Juniors Football Club will be holding a fundraiser in September. They have in the region of 200 players and identifying playing field locations is an ongoing challenge.

Cllr. Simpson reported that Age Concern are building relationships with other organisation with a view to offer days trips.

Cllr. Hatcher reported that the Garden Safari had been a success. It had been busy with a good atmosphere.

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