
Policy & Resources 9th August 2022


PRESENT: Cllr. Beck (in the Chair), Cllrs. Bunyan, Gilbert, Hatcher, Kings and Pethurst.

APOLOGIES: Cllr. Fletcher

Declaration of Interests, Dispensations and Predetermination:

Members are required to declare any interests, dispensations or predetermination on items on this agenda in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct. Members are reminded that changes to the Register of Interests should be notified to the Clerk.

25/22: Internal finance check:

Cllr. Beck confirmed that the internal finance check had been completed and everything was in order.

26/22: Authorisation of payments made after the July meeting:

A list of payments totalling £16,457.96 made after the July meeting, is filed with these minutes.

27/22: Transfers of monies between accounts:

The Clerk confirmed none had been made this month, although a transfer would almost certainly be necessary next month to keep the Unity Trust cash flow at an acceptable level.

28/22: Invoices for Payment:

A list of payments to be made in August had been circulated for approval, a copy of which is filed with these minutes. A query from the Chairman was raised and the Clerk agreed to look into the matter. It was proposed by Cllr. Beck seconded by Cllr. Gilbert and agreed to approve the payments as presented.

These included:

Policy and Resources             £10,082.03

Properties & Burial Grounds              £  1,231.37

Environmental Management               £17,416.99

Total         £28,730.39

Two members are required to log in to the account and authorise the payments following adoption of the minutes on Thursday evening.

29/22: Security Alarm Quote:

The Clerk advised that 4 companies had been approached for quotes for annual maintenance and support for the security alarm. It was proposed by Cllr. Gilbert, seconded by Cllr. Kings and agreed to accept the quote from MPR Solutions of £126.00 for an annual service. The cost to remain connected to the cloud would be an additional £40 should it be required.

30/22: Editor Vacancy The Cake – Update:

No update

31/22: Update on revision of Action/Five Year Plans:

Cllr. Hatcher advised that he is planning an interim Economic and Community working group meeting in August where he intends discuss five-year plans.

Cllr. Gilbert advised that Properties and Burials committee currently has a maintenance five-year plan. The committee will need to focus time on addressing energy requirements and costs.

32/22: Community Centres/Medical Centre:

Cllr. Gilbert advised that he was planning on sharing the updated business case and project timeline at the September Full Council meeting. He hoped Jonathan White would be also be attendance to answer any questions. The project is still looking viable. The Clerk took an action to send all Councillors a document that Jonathan White had produced outlining various procurement options available to the parish council.

33/22: Staffing:

The Clerk advised that the office will return to full staffing levels for the mornings as of Monday.

34/22: Grant Applications:

Cllr. Beck had received a grant application form from Cranbrook Town Music Festival; however, it had not been sent to the Clerk. The Clerk undertook to look in to the possibility of discussing at August Full council, and also to request bank statements from the event organisers.

The committee also discussed that for grants over a certain amount feedback should be requested from the grant recipients, including copies of receipts/invoices.

The Clerk undertook to share with the committee the feedback form received from KCC for the grant the parish council received regarding the Crane Valley works last year.

Cllr Hatcher took the action to investigate the community events fund that may be used Horsmonden.

35/22: Items for Information:

  1. Cllr. Gilbert reported that Mens Shed had raised money towards the project from the stall they had at Cranbrook on the Green.
  2. Cllr Beck advised that he would be formally announcing his resignation from the Parish Council at Full Council on Thursday. Cllr. Pethurst has agreed to take on the role as Policy and Resources Chair, if elected.
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