


PRESENT: Cllr. Fairweather (in the Chair), Cllrs. Fletcher, Kings, Mills, Page, Pethurst and Tomlinson


APOLOGIES: Cllr. Stone


Declaration of Interests, Dispensations and Predetermination:

Members are required to declare any interests, dispensations or predetermination on items on this agenda in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct. Members are reminded that changes to the Register of Interests should be notified to the Clerk.


1/23: Election of Vice Chairman:

Cllr. Fairweather nominated Cllr. Kings, this was seconded by Cllr. Fletcher and agreed.


2/23: Allocation of Sites for Responsibility:

Members volunteered to take responsibility for the following sites:

Allotments:                                         Cllr. Pethurst

Crane Valley and Tanyard:                 Cllr. Fletcher

Jubilee Field                                        Cllr. Page

Regal Car Park                                    Cllr. Kings

Ball Field & Jockey Lane Car Park    Cllr. Tomlinson


3/23: Allocation of Councillor to represent Council on Highway Improvement Plan

The Clerk summarized the project, including the information gathering events that are planned for the 7th and 8th July. Cllr. Page offered to be the lead Councillor on the project.


4/23: Ball Field

Cllr. Mills advised that she is arranging a meeting to review the results of the play equipment survey between the resident who had organized it, Cllr. Fairweather and herself.


Cllr. Tomlinson summarized the ongoing proposal for a 7v7 pitch and a full-size pitch that could receive funding from the Football Foundation for pitch maintenance.


Cllr. Pethurst advised that the sign for the Queens Green Canopy has started rusting and the letter was becoming difficult to read. To be monitored. In addition, he pointed out that a birch tree in the spinney was not looking healthy. The Clerk will seek advice from the Parish Warden.


Cllr. Page advised the access path from the old windmill pub into the Ball Field is overgrown. The Clerk was unsure if this section of the hedge was within the contractor’s contract and took an action to review the contract.


5/23: Play Equipment Review

Date of RoSPA inspection

Cllr. Fairweather referred to the email that had been circulated prior to the meeting. The committee discussed the options and agreed to keep the inspection date suggested by RoSPA Play Safety as July/August timeframe. This was proposed by Cllr. Fairweather, seconded by Cllr. Fletcher and agreed.


6/23: Issues from Car Parks:

a) Jockey Lane:

Cllr. Pethurst reported that the Parish Warden has noticed there has been an increase of cars parking in the hatched area at the top of Jockey Lane. This reduces the space for contractors to park. The Parish Warden had suggested that an additional barrier and a hard standing area could be installed for the contractors to park on year-round. The Clerk was asked to request a written proposal from the Parish Warden. The Parish Wardens recommendation that the yellow lines be repainted was received favourably.


b) Regal Car Park:

The car park, in general, in good condition. There are some areas that will need resurfacing once the development on Wilkes field is completed. The Clerk noted that in some areas the hedges needed trimming as the overgrowth is hindering access to some parking spaces. This will be relayed to the contractors by the Clerk.


c) Tanyard:

The members were in agreement that the reduced height of the trees in front of the cottages was an improvement. Again, hedge over growth in some areas is hindering access and will be relayed to the contractors.


7/23: Allotments:

It was agreed that the allotments, on the whole, were looking well-kempt.


The Clerk reported that discussion was ongoing with a tenant who wished to site a shed behind row 20. The Members were in agreement that there is sufficient space for a shed without the need for the nearby apple trees to be felled.


8/23: Crane Valley:

For the benefit of the newer committee members, Cllr. Fletcher explained that the nature reserve is an area of scientific interest. He pointed out that the Brick Kiln development borders the reserve.


9/23: Jubilee Field

Cllr. Fairweather advised:

  • the defibrillator has been moved from the St Georges Institute to the front of the public toilets. The change in location has been registered on the national defibrillator network website – The Circuit.
  • fencing has been erected around St Georges. The recreation ground can still be accessed via the main entrance at present. The plan is to remove the metal fencing between the toilets and the bus shelter to provide temporary access once the main entrance blocked by the development works.


10/23: Any Other Environmental Management Issues:

Ownership of unadopted streetlight:

Cllr. Fairweather referred to the email that had been circulated to the committee prior to the meeting. Following a short discussion, he proposed that the Parish Council adopt the light and it be replaced, as recommended by the streetlighting contractor, with a Warm White SL8 LED lantern, at a cost £350 + VAT to supply and install. This was seconded by Cllr. Page and agreed.


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