


PRESENT: Cllr. Hatcher (Chair), Cllrs. Newman, Tomlinson, Selby and Stone

APOLOGIES: Cllrs. Pethurst and Gilbert


Declaration of Interests, Dispensations, Predetermination or Lobbying:

Members are required to declare any interests, dispensations or predetermination on items on this agenda in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct. Members are reminded that changes to the Register of Interests should be notified to the Clerk.


1/23: Election of Vice Chair

Cllr. Hatcher nominated Cllr. Tomlinson, this was seconded by Cllr. Stone and agreed.


2/23: Five-year Plan
It was agreed that Cllr. Hatcher would organise a separate Zoom meeting for the Committee to progress the Five-year Plan.


3/23: PC Website and Facebook Presence

Cllr. Hatcher explained to the new members that in addition to the website, CSPC has Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts. After discussions with a parishioner, it was felt that the parish council should enable commenting on the Councils social media accounts and follow local organisations to improve our engagement. This was discussed and agreed by those present, subject to council approval of amended Social Media Policy, to be done for a trial period. The accounts will need to be monitored frequently, and Cllr. Hatcher will take on this role. Councillor Tomlinson advised that it is possible to activate a profanity filter.


In addition, the CSPC accounts will follow other local organisations, TWBC, Cranbrook in Bloom etc.


4/23: Event Organisation & Event Packs:

Cllr. Hatcher advised that there is a checklist on the website for organisations wishing to host and event. ‘It includes information on how to apply for a road closure, which bodies to inform, and other useful contacts/processes etc. It was discussed whether to remove this from future agendas. It was felt that discussion of events at this committee will always be useful so the agenda item will simply be ‘Events’ in future.


5/23: Business Links:

Cllr. Hatcher reported that the local business network groups continue to meet monthly in Larkins.


6/23: Volunteers:

Cllr. Hatcher referred to the article in the latest edition of the Cake – Miss Junior Teen Great Britain. Our local resident who is representing Kent in the Miss Junior Teen Great Britain was looking for volunteering opportunities. Cllr. Hatcher had directed her to a website initiated by The Lord Lieutenant’s Office,, which matches volunteers with organisations. There is a specific page for youth volunteers.


Cllr. Hatcher explained that one of the aims of the committee is to create and develop a voluntary organisation liaison.


7/23: Tourism:
There was no further update since Full Council. Cllr. Hatcher advised that the Tourism Group would welcome another delegate from the Parish Council. He summarised the role of the group and the Parish Council’s input.  Cllr. Newman offered to become a representative.


8/23: Citizens Advice: No update


9/23: Community Kitchen:

Over the winter months, Age Concern and Wellbeing in the Weald had been providing a coffee morning, soup lunch and kids tea on Tuesdays in Vestry Hall. The lunch and dinner have now ceased. Lunches will be reinstated in September.


10/23: Community Engagement:

  1. Monthly Surgeries
    Hatcher advised that Cllr. Pethurst had been exploring options. The committee discussed starting in September so that the Autumn edition of Cake could be used to advertise. The advert will include time, dates and location for September to December. The surgeries will also be advertised via social media, posters, noticeboards, ‘Be in the know’. One of the four will be held in Sissinghurst. Cllrs. Hatcher and Selby offered to host the September surgery. Cllr. Selby offered to enquire if the Parish Council could display a poster in the noticeboard in the rugby club clubhouse.
  2. Highways Improvement Plan
    Hatcher referred to the article in the latest edition of The Cake titled Car Wars! This introduces the councils plans for development of a Highways Improvement Plan (HIP). Although Community Development will not be responsible for the HIP, it does require community engagement at the begin of the process. The Members discussed the various outlets that could be used to advertise the HIP formation, including social media, poster at the co-op, QR codes. Cllr. Hatcher took an action to speak to former Parish Councillor Kevin Rampling, who had offered to help initiate the information gathering phase of the HIP.


11/23: Defibrillator Proposal from First Responders: Nominate representative to lead collaboration

Cllr. Hatcher referred to the email and report that the Parish Council had received from the local Community First Responder team regarding defibrillator provision in the parish. Cllr. Stone offered to be the Parish Council representative to liaise with the Community First Responder team. Some initial points to consider are vandalism, training sessions (in person or online) and next steps.

12/23: Items for Information:

Cllr. Hatcher encouraged all Members to respond to the TWBC Local residents Survey.

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