


HELD ON 1st JUNE 2021

The meeting was held remotely using Zoom software.

Declaration of Interests, Dispensations, Predetermination or Lobbying:

Members are required to declare any interests, dispensations, predetermination or lobbying on items on this agenda. Members are reminded that changes to the Register of Interests should be notified to the Clerk.

Present:  Cllr. Smith (Chairman), Cllrs. Bunyan, Fermor, Fletcher, Gilbert, Hartley, Hatcher, Kings

Cllr. Fletcher declared that relatives live in Rectory Lane Planning Application 21/00910 and he would be taking part in the discussion, but would abstain from voting.  Cllr. Hatcher declared he had been lobbied regarding Turnden.


Cllr. Hatcher proposed Cllr. Bunyan as Vice Chairman, seconded by Cllr. Smith and agreed.



Sissinghurst Tennis Club Sissinghurst Road Sissinghurst Cranbrook Kent TN17 2JJ

Replace existing floodlights on the courts (including columns) with modern LED lights 

The Parish Council recommended APPROVAL proposed by Cllr. Smith, seconded by Cllr. Hatcher and agreed subject to confirmation of lighting brightness.  It was noted that the Parish Council had made a grant application on behalf of Sissinghurst Tennis Club to fund this project.


Broadlands Angley Road Cranbrook Kent TN17 2PL

Dropped kerb 

The Parish Council recommended APPROVAL proposed by Cllr. Hatcher, seconded by Cllr. Bunyan and agreed.


White Horse Inn High Street Cranbrook Kent TN17 3EX

Erection of 2No. 2 bed semi-detached dwellings (Use C3) on the land to the rear of the public house (Sui Generis), creation of a vehicular access off Rectory Lane with associated hard and soft landscaping.

The Parish Council recommended REFUSAL for the following reasons:

  • The principle of removing the White Horse Public House car parking will have a huge impact on the viability of the pub and associated bed and breakfast accommodation.
  • The internal design is poor and does not make good use of space.
  • Concern was raised about the possible removal of trees

If TWBC are minded to approve the above planning application the Parish Council request that a condition is applied that the developer makes up the road from the entrance of their site to the main road, before they start and at the end of the build.

Proposed by Cllr. Hartley, seconded by Cllr. Gilbert and agreed with 1 abstention.


Golford House Golford Road Cranbrook Kent TN17 3NT

Alterations and extension to existing annex

The Parish Council remained NEUTRAL as there was insufficient information on the current use.

Proposed by Cllr. Smith, seconded by Cllr. Fermor and agreed


Satins Hill Farm Spongs Lane Sissinghurst Cranbrook Kent TN17 2AH

Prior Notification for the change of use of a building and land within its curtilage from an agricultural use to a use falling within Class C3 (3 no. Dwelling houses) and building operations reasonably necessary to convert the building for its prior approval to: – Transport and highways impacts; – Noise impacts; – Contamination risk; – Flooding risks; – Whether location or siting makes it impractical or undesirable – Design or external appearance – The provision of adequate natural light in all habitable rooms of the dwelling houses  

The Parish Council recommended APPROVAL proposed by Cllr. Smith, seconded by Cllr. Fermor and agreed with 1 abstention.


Le Jardin Restaurant Waterloo Road Cranbrook Kent TN17 2ET

Removal of Condition 1 (Demolition) of 18/03846/FULL 

The Parish Council recommended APPROVAL proposed by Cllr. Kings, seconded by Cllr. Gilbert and agreed.


1 & 2 Folly Hill Farm Cottages Folly Hill Cranbrook Kent TN17 2LU

Demolition of existing single storey rear extension, rear chimney and various outbuildings; conversion, alteration and renovation of existing cottages to form a single dwelling together with erection of a one and half storey side extension, a single storey rear extension, first floor dormer windows, hard landscaping and an access gate.

The Parish Council recommended APPROVAL proposed by Cllr. Gilbert, seconded by Cllr. Kings and agreed.


The Homestead Friezley Lane Cranbrook Kent TN17 2LL

Erection of three storey extension, including single storey element with terrace area above; alterations to fenestration; replacement of existing main house windows; internal alterations; external material alterations including landscaping and steps (Amended scheme to 19/00447/FULL)  

The Parish Council recommended APPROVAL proposed by Cllr. Kings, seconded by Cllr. Fermor and agreed.



Hawkhurst Golf Club High Street Hawkhurst Cranbrook Kent TN18 4JS

Hybrid Application: Demolition of existing clubhouse, squash courts and ancillary structures, and redevelopment of existing golf course. Full planning permission sought for new relief road and associated earthworks and junctions with A268 and A229. Outline planning permission (all matters reserved for future determination) sought for residential development, a C2/C3 care home, class D1 facilities such as a doctors’ surgery and/or community hall, public car park, public park and associated parking, servicing, utilities, footpath and cycle links, formal and informal open space including woodland planting and recreation facilities, ground and infrastructure works.  

It was agreed to write a letter to the Planning Inspectorate highlighting the Parish Council’s previous concerns, particularly highlighting the impact on the AONB and increased traffic.  The protection that the AONB should afford does not seem to be considered.



25 Wheatfield Way Cranbrook Kent TN17 3LX

Trees: HOLLY (G1) – Reduce its height by 20ft  

It was agreed to leave this decision to the discretion of TWBC Tree Officer.


The Chairman agreed to allow this item to be added to the agenda at the request of Cllr. Hatcher.  Cllr. Smith explained that this is about the Parish Council supporting the CPRE by written statement and secondly possible financial support.  Cllr. Hatcher explained that a written response had been drafted by Cllr. Warne that draws from the Planning Committee’s recommendation for refusal and evidence from the NDP’s consultation process.  It was agreed that the written statement, should be forwarded to all Councillors for approval before being forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate on behalf of the Parish Council and NDP Steering Group.

With regard to funding Cllr. Hatcher suggested a set amount could be considered and he believed there was a budget available.  After further discussion it was agreed that a grant application for funding, which needed to be specific and fixed be submitted, which can be discussed by the Parish Council.  The Deputy Clerk informed the meeting that any grant agreed could only be paid to an organisation and not into a personal bank account and would need to follow the normal grant application process.


The Deputy Clerk read out the planning decisions.


It was agreed to keep the Planning Meeting time at 9.15am.

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