

PRESENT:  Cllr. Warne (in the Chair), Cllrs. Hatcher and Pethurst, Marion Cranmer, June Bell, Liz Daley and Mathew Warne

APOLOGIES:  Anne Hopper

Cllr. Warne read out the following statement:

Members are required to declare any interests, dispensations, predetermination on items on this agenda in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct.  Members are reminded that changes to the Register of Interests should be notified to the Clerk.

1.  NDP Consultation Responses:

Councillor Pethurst informed the meeting that the Consultation Statement (working version), Reg. 16 (working version) and Meeting the Basic Conditions Statement had been forwarded to Richard Eastham.  He had spent time making sure that these documents were all numbered correctly and were consistent.  Cllr. Warne explained that as the majority of the NDP Steering Group had agreed to allow Deborah Dixon the Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Planning Officer to have a copy of the documents, she had also been forwarded a copy.

The Chairman extended her thanks to Cllr. Pethurst, Marion Cranmer and Mathew Warne for spending a great deal of time working on these documents.  This was endorsed by all members.

Cllr. Pethurst stated that he had not received a response from Richard Eastham or Deborah Dixon to date. He agreed to make further contact to confirm that these documents had been received.

2. Regulation 16 Consultation:

Cllr. Warne explained that the Regulation 16 Consultation was carried out by TWBC and the Steering Group needed the final version from Richard Eastham.  Cllr. Pethurst agreed to contact TWBC to see if they had pencilled in a date dedicated to undertake this task, which is expected to be in the Autumn.

3. Timeline:

Cllr. Warne said this was now down to TWBC.

Cllr. Hatcher agreed to contact Catherine Bright from the Smarter Digital Services Team at Tunbridge Wells Borough Council to seek assistance in making the documents accessible.  Cllr. Pethurst explained that all the graphs and charts need to have an audible description.

Cllr. Warne had written to David Carlisle forwarding correspondence from Katie McFloyd at TWBC confirming that a screening opinion on the Reg. 14 Pre-Submission plan was sought and came back as not requiring a SEA.  Therefore, it was not necessary to undertake this task again. 

4:  Items for Information:

  • The next meeting of the NDP Steering Group is scheduled to take place on 24th October 2021 at 7pm.
  • Cllr. Warne reported that she had provided a witness statement on behalf of Cranbrook & Sissinghurst NDP and the community regarding the local planning aspirations in support of the CPRE case against phase 2 development at Turnden Farm, which started last week and would last until 5th November.    Liz Daley was giving evidence on lived experience of transport and sustainability in terms of access.  June Bell was giving evidence of using the network of footpaths through this development.  Photographic evidence and documents regarding views to be protected had also been sent to John Wotton at CPRE Kent which had been greatly appreciated.
  • Cllr. Warne was very disappointed to announce that the decision had been made to close the High Weald Academy.  The Parish Council would make a statement tomorrow.  The site would be used for SEN purposes.  
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