

PRESENT:  Cllr. Warne (in the Chair), Cllrs. Fletcher, Hatcher and Pethurst, Annie Hopper, Marion Cranmer, Liz Daley, June Bell, Jeremy Boxall and Matt Warne

APOLOGIES:  None received

Cllr. Warne read out the following statement:

Members are required to declare any interests, dispensations, predetermination on items on this agenda in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct.  Members are reminded that changes to the Register of Interests should be notified to the Clerk.

Cllr. Warne declared an interest under the site assessments regarding site 122 which had been put forward by a relative.  Cllrs. Warne, June Bell, Matt Warne and Annie Hopper declared a personal interest as members of the CVLT (Crane Valley Land Trust).  Annie Hopper, June Bell and Liz Daley declared an interest as members of Hartley Save Our Fields Action Group.  Members of the various Advisory Groups declared an interest as necessary.

  1. Public Consultation:

Cllr. Warne thanked everyone for the enormous amount of work which had been undertaken.  Cllr. Hatcher had liaised with Richard Eastham to get all the information on the website.  June Bell and Cllr. Hatcher had worked together to find out the changes which were required to get the website more user friendly and these had been implemented.  The video compiled by Richard Eastham explaining the background of the NDP was now the first post on the website.  Cllr. Hatcher explained that there were still a few alterations which he would undertake.  June Bell suggested that the work undertaken by Cllr. Hatcher was technical and skilled, also time consuming and she proposed that remuneration should be considered.  Cllr. Hatcher replied that he was happy to undertake this work and felt it was his contribution to the Neighbourhood Plan.  It was agreed that the website could be reviewed after the consultation had finished.

Marion Cranmer explained that most of the posters advertising the consultation period and how to respond were now in place.  Flyers or posters would also be provided to the local schools, shops and surgeries.  At the present time email contacts were being formulated for everyone who had attended NDP events in the past.  Cllr. Warne also highlighted that it was important to keep a list of every location of posters and all individuals contacted as this is the kind of information the Inspectorate may request.  Members of the Committee agreed to purchase further posters and banners as necessary.

Cllr. Hatcher reported that the Eventbrite online meetings which parishioners would need to register to attend had now been set up on Wednesday 4th November and Wednesday 2nd December commencing at 7.30pm.  He was happy to report that 5 people had already registered for the first event.  Cllr. Warne read out an email from Richard Eastham and he suggested that a moderator attend so that they are able to control the meeting.  Those in attendance would be encouraged to use the chat function to put in questions which could be answered as the meeting progresses.  Cllr. Warne and Pethurst agreed to attend and moderate the meeting, however other members of the NDP were welcome to attend if they wished.  Deborah Dixon, Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Planning Officer had also asked to attend.

After discussion it was agreed that any emails received regarding the Reg. 14 Consultation should be forwarded to the NDP email address:

Cllr. Warne informed the meeting that she had written a two page article to be published in the Parish Cake Winter edition, urging parishioners to take part in the consultation.

  •  Draft Reg. 14 Document:  No update.
  •  Planning White Paper Consultation:

Cllr. Warne informed the meeting that she would be submitting a response on behalf of the NDP and thanked those who had contacted her with their views.  A copy of the response would be forwarded to the Steering Group before being submitted.

  • Budget:

The Committee agreed to put forward a budget requirement of £5,000 for the year 2021/22.

  • Project Timetable:  No update.
  • Stakeholder Engagement:

Cllr. Warne had attended a meeting with a Cranbrook School Trustee for an update on their proposals.  Cllr. Warne had suggested that the School might like to write an article for the Parish Cake regarding their aspirations and use of the various sites.

Cllr. Pethurst informed the meeting that pre consultation notices regarding Wilsley Farm Site, Whitewell Lane had been delivered to local residents.  Cllr. Warne confirmed that she had not had the opportunity to meet the developers.

  • Any Other Business:

Marion Cranmer asked Cllr. Warne how she wished the evidence from previous engagements to be collated in case the Inspectorate wished to view documents.  Cllr. Warne agreed to make enquiries and forward the details.

Cllr. Warne reported that she had attended a meeting with Deborah Dixon and Stephen Bourne, TWBC Planning Department to discuss the lack of employment opportunities in Cranbrook within the LBD.

Date of Next Meeting:  Monday 23rd November 7pm

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