

PRESENT: Cllr. Kings (in the Chair), Cllrs. Dyke, Fairweather, Mills and Pethurst.

APOLOGIES: Cllr. Simpson.

Declaration of Interests, Dispensations and Predetermination:

Members are required to declare any interests, dispensations or predetermination on items on this agenda in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct. Members are reminded that changes to the Register of Interests should be notified to the Clerk.

19/22: Budget & Five Year Plan:

A draft budget had been prepared and circulated to the Committee Members. In response to Cllr. Pethurst the Clerk explained that the excess from Angley Cottage is generated from the tenants rent and is part of the co-ordination agreement between the Parish Council and the Charity, which goes towards the upkeep of the recreation areas of the Tomlin Murton Playing Fields Trust. She also explained the amount allocated to ‘car parks – planned maintenance’ goes into earmarked funds along with any other unspent funds from the car park cost codes to build up sufficient funds for when resurfacing is required. The business rates for the car parks takes up the biggest proportion of the budgetary requirements.

It was agreed that we need to further investigate grant opportunities if we are to make more improvements to the play areas. We are also looking into different methods of consultation and engagement with parishioners to find out what equipment is most desirable. A new format for the Five Year Plans has yet to be agreed, but should include fully costed projects for any S106

monies that we can apply for. We are still awaiting a response from the TWBC Health Improvement Team regarding funding for some adult gym equipment, the Clerk agreed to chase this again.

Cllr. Pethurst advised that discussions had taken place around a permanent memorial to celebrate the coronation next year. It could include a seating arrangement based on the idea of buddy seats which supports mental wellbeing as well as providing a useful facility.

Cllr. Kings proposed adoption of the draft budget as presented, this was seconded by Cllr. Pethurst and agreed. A copy is attached to these minutes.

20/22Play Equipment:

a) Replacement cradle swing seats – Ball Field

Replacements had already been authorised by the Chairman of this Committee, on health and safety grounds, at a total cost of £177 + VAT. The Parish Warden had completed the installation.

b) Replacement safety surface under swings.

The ROSPA report had identified that the safety surfacing under the swings in the Jubilee Field was in need to replacing. The Clerk would obtain quotes for both wetpour and a surface similar to that which is beneath the rocking horse in the Ball Field, which was relatively inexpensive in comparison to wetpour.

21/22: Allotments:

Cllr. Pethurst advised there were no issues to report.

22/22: Highways Issues:

The Clerk advised that no work has been undertaken to create a Highways Improvement Plan for the Parish as yet. There is very little chance in getting any funding for new projects in light of the County Council’s financial position. Cllr. Pathurst advised the surfacing in the High Street is quite poor in places, the Clerk suggested that could be reported on the KCC highways portal online.

23/22: Car Parks:

E.V. Charge points update:

The Clerk was unable to provide an update as BP Pulse had cancelled the meeting scheduled for last week and as yet had not come back with a new date. It was still not entirely clear why the system continues to show a deficit. BP Pulse have assured us that going forward costs will be covered, although no evidence has been provided to support that claim. Unfortunately, the Clerk was unable to answer some of the queries raised by Cllr. Pethurst and suggested he spoke to Cllr. Fletcher as he had originally set the project up, with the assistance of an OLEV grant.

24/22: Litter Picks and Litter Bins:

The Council would like to formally thank the family who volunteered to organise and undertake a litter pick during October in Cranbrook.

25/22: Street Lighting:

There were no new issues to report.

26/22: Any Other Environmental Management Issues:

a) Ball Field – Metal barrier

Bowls Club members require access to park their vehicles on the field. The Parish Warden had submitted a proposal to the Parish Council to exchange the bollard currently being used to prevent unauthorised access, for a metal barrier custom made by Cranbrook Iron. The quote excluding installation ranged from £380 – £530. Detailed drawings had been provided to show the design and dimensions of the barrier. It was proposed by Cllr. Fairweather, seconded by Cllr. Kings and agreed to accept the quote of £440 which includes the cost of painting the bare steel with Hammerite. The cost of installation would be an additional £100.

b) Winter Strategy 2022-2023

The Clerk read out the current Winter Strategy, it was proposed by Cllr. Kings, seconded by Cllr. Pethurst and agreed to amend it slightly for the forthcoming year, to read as follows:

It is the individual responsibility of every parishioner to take due care and attention in adverse weather conditions.

The Cranbrook & Sissinghurst Parish Council have made no arrangements this winter for snow and ice clearance, salting or gritting of the Regal, Tanyard or Jockey Lane Car Parks.

Cranbrook & Sissinghurst Parish Council will not undertake clearance of pavements within the parish.  Residents and businesses are encouraged to clear the areas in front of their own property, although this will be entirely at their own risk.

There are salt and grit bins throughout the Cranbrook and Sissinghurst Parish for use by parishioners.

Throughout the winter season all residents and visitors to Cranbrook and Sissinghurst must use the roads, car parks and pavements with due care and attention.  It must be clearly understood that all users of the car parks do so at their own risk.

27/22: Items for Information:

a) Cllr. Fairweather asked for the hedge at the War Memorial to be cut. The Clerk agreed to seek quotes for the Properties and Burial Grounds Committee, to consider at their meeting in January.

b) Cllr. Kings encouraged everyone to communicate with the editor of the TWBC Local Magazine to enable a more balanced view of the entire borough to be portrayed.

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