

Mr. Druce had been invited by the Chair to introduce Business Crime Reduction Partnerships (BCRP) prior to the meeting. These partnerships involve crime reduction initiatives, including a Shop Radio/WhatsApp scheme and the Exclusion scheme. This would enable local business to share information about incidents, and any person banned from one business involved in the partnership would automatically be banned from all other business in the partnership. Mr. Druce required an introduction to local businesses to gauge their interest in such a partnership. Cllr Hatcher offered to contact the Chair of Cranbrook Business Association and speak with Cllr. Waters.

PRESENT: Cllr. Hatcher (Chair), Cllrs. Beck, Fletcher, Kings and Pethurst

APOLOGIES: Cllrs. Gilbert & Waters

Declaration of Interests, Dispensations, Predetermination or Lobbying:

Members are required to declare any interests, dispensations or predetermination on items on this agenda in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct. Members are reminded that changes to the Register of Interests should be notified to the Clerk.

12/21: Budget and Five-Year Plan

The Clerk and Chair presented the Five-Year Plan and Budget.

Cllr. Pethurst felt it would be helpful if members had visibility of historical grant data to understand previous years grant allocations.

It was suggested that cost code descriptions could be reviewed in the future.

Cllr. Hatcher proposed the adoption of the 5 year-plan and the budget, as detailed, and attached:

Grants to voluntary organisations:                 £9000

Tourism Enhancement:                                   £1000

                                                           Total:  £10,000

This was seconded by Cllr. Beck and agreed.

13/21: PC Website & Facebook Presence:
Cllr. Hatcher confirmed he is in receipt of quotes regarding the parish council’s IT needs from two organisations.  He will share them with the committee. His aim is to get approval at Decembers Policy and Resources Committee meeting.

Nothing to report on Facebook presence. All working well. Cllr. Hatcher will share committee agendas on Facebook.

14/21: Event Organisation & Event Packs:
Cllr. Hatcher advised that Cllr. Waters is progressing the development of the packs.

15/21: Business Links:

Covered by the public session.

16/21: Volunteers:

Cllr. Fletcher reported that he had a positive meeting with the head teacher at Belle Vue School. The head is very keen for the pupils to become involved in the community as part of their educational needs, and to feel they are contributing to society. They have offered to remove graffiti, oil benches, help at allotments. They are already helping Cranbrook in Bloom with the planting boxes.

It was suggested that Cllr. Fletcher invites Belle Vue to introduce themselves to full council.

8/21: Dementia Trail:

Nothing to update.

9/21: Tourism:

Taxi Companies – Cllr. Beck reported he is still investigating options.

There is a Tourism meeting on the 24th November. Cllr. Dyke is attending on behalf of the council. Cllr. Fletcher offered to send Cllrs. Hatcher and Dyke an update regarding the public toilets for the Tourism meeting.

10/21: Credit Unions/Citizens Advice

Cllr. Hatcher informed that he is meeting the local Citizens Advice representative on Thursday. CAB have advised that they have plans to return to the library. Should the need arise, Cllr. Hatcher would like to consider offering the Addison Room as a backup. He will discuss and ascertain CABs position on credit unions/Kent Savers.

11/21: High Weald Tennis Courts:

Cllr. Fletcher has meet with the Leigh Academy Trust. He advised that it is unlikely Leigh will make a decision about the courts for several months. There is plenty of interest for them from the sports forum.

12/21: Best Dressed Shop Competition:

Cllr Hatcher had spoken to the Mayor, who had agreed to judge the competition during the late night shopping event on the 10th December.

Cllr Hatcher offered to arrange the flyers, and Cllr. Fletcher offered to distribute them to the businesses. It was suggested certificates for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

Members agreed to support the initiative.

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