
PRESENT: Cllr. Hatcher (Chair), Cllrs., Dyke, Fletcher, Gilbert, Pethurst & Rampling

APOLOGIES: Cllrs. Simpson and Tomlinson

Declaration of Interests, Dispensations, Predetermination or Lobbying:

Members are required to declare any interests, dispensations or predetermination on items on this agenda in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct. Members are reminded that changes to the Register of Interests should be notified to the Clerk.

28/22: Budget and Five-year Plans

Cllr. Hatcher advised that Grants cost code will move from Community Development  à Policy and Resources cost centre, as this is where the decisions are made. No plans as yet to move any cost codes from other cost centers into Community Development. There are projects within Community Development that don’t currently have a cost code, however there is currently no budget required for these projects.

Cllr. Hatcher suggested allocating £1000.00 in the budget for tourism and invited discussion. The need for community engagement budget was also discussed.

Cllr. Hatcher proposed that funds of £800 be allocated for Tourism, and £400 be allocated for community engagement. This was seconded by Cllr. Fletcher and agreed. A copy of the budget sheet will be filed with these minutes.

Progressing projects in line with the committees aims and objectives will be an agenda item for the next meeting.

29/22: Website and Facebook Presence
Cllr. Dyke has been working with Uprise to improve the Events section on the new website. She will also focus on getting the tourism section improved.

Cllr. Pethurst enquired about a ‘go live’ date for the new website. Cllr Hatcher took an action to liaise with Uprise regarding a timeline. He will also ascertain if we could ‘go live’ with the improved format and then make additional changes within the current budget.

30/22: Event Organisation & Event Packs:

Cllr. Hatcher to obtain the information from Wendy Waters.

31/22: Business Links:
Cllr. Hatcher advised that the next networking group event will take place on the 7th of December at The George. Places are limited therefore anyone interested in attending should contact Cllr. Hatcher.

32/22: Volunteers:

Cllr. Hatcher read out the following email from Cllr. Simpson:

‘New Thing, New Year. I won’t be here that weekend and haven’t found a fellow trustee prepared to commit as yet. Hopefully by the beginning of December this will change as we need volunteers.

Community Kitchen: Cllr. Fletcher is up to speed on this but Wellbeing in The Weald has agreed to become the charity to deliver this project. We have a chef for the first six weeks and I will manage the project in the early days while we get it off the ground.   There’s a meeting with wellbeing in early December to finalise budgets.  Cllr. Fletcher is doing a good job on getting the grants in and fundraising generally.

Age Concern: we are now offering keep fit at 10 am Church House on a Tuesday and are planning outings with Carol Gower for the New Year.

Crosslight in Cranbrook (debt charity): Still work in progress, we need at least 2 volunteers to train up. Churches have been approached to ask their congregations and this is very much work in progress.’

Cllr. Dyke referred to the plans to hold a ‘New Year, New Thing’ event in Vestry Hall. In response to a question from Cllr. Dykes regarding hall hire charges, Cllr. Gilbert advised that the standard hire charge applies – £80.00/session. Cllr. Dyke will proceed with contacting potential exhibitors with details and stall hire fee.

33/22: Tourism:

Cllr. Gilbert enquired about the frequency of the Tourism Group meetings. Cllr Hatcher responded that they are held every couple of months.

34/22: Citizens Advice:

Cllr. Hatcher reported that Citizen’s Advice will return to face-to-face sessions in the library, starting in January. They have secured funding and a volunteer. Unsure yet as to whether the volunteer is an advisor or will help with on-line sessions.

He also reported that Paddock Wood Advice Centre had contacted him regarding a potential meeting space in Cranbrook. He will respond to them with details of the venues that he originally provided to Citizens Advice.

35/22: Community Food Kitchen:

Plans are progressing to expand Community Kitchen to an afternoon session for primary school children, starting January 6th. It will initially be by invitation only. Advice will be sought from the local schools regarding invitation recipients.

36/22: Community Engagement – Monthly Surgeries:

Cllr. Pethurst to continue researching monthly surgeries.

Cllr. Fletcher reported that he will initiate contact with the library and local churches regarding a potential warm space within Cranbrook.

37/22: Items for Information:

Cllr. Fletcher advised that he would be sharing a list of Coronation activities and dates that are in the pipeline.

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