

 PRESENT: Cllr. Hatcher (Chair), Cllrs. Fletcher, Gilbert, Simpson and Stone

APOLOGIES: Cllr. Dyke and Tomlinson

Declaration of Interests, Dispensations, Predetermination or Lobbying:

Members are required to declare any interests, dispensations or predetermination on items on this agenda in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct. Members are reminded that changes to the Register of Interests should be notified to the Clerk.

28/22: Five-year plans

Cllr. Hatcher referred to the Community Development 5-Year Plan Document that had been circulated with the agenda. It currently includes three entries that have been taken from the committee’s aims and objectives:

  • Develop effective liaison with outside bodies on car parking and traffic issues
  • Create and develop Parish Voluntary Organisation liaison
  • Develop a public consultation policy for the Council

It was agreed that Cllr. Hatcher would arrange an interim meeting to populate the remining columns in the plan, and add others as required.

An entry for HIP will be considered as Cllr. Hatcher would like to include adding more benches to Cranbrook High Street, and more hand railings for the steps in the High Street. Cllr. Kevin Rampling has offered to initiate the formation of a HIP.

29/22: PC Website and Facebook Presence:

Website – Cllr. Hatcher reported that following the new website going live there had been a few issues, but they have been rectified now.

Facebook – Cllr. Hatcher has created an Instagram and Twitter account for the parish council. He will visit the office to link them to Mailchimp/ ‘Be in the know’, as with Facebook. Instagram needs to be more visual. He will work on a strategy for using social media to showcase the council.

 30/22: Event Organisation & Event Packs:

Cllr. Hatcher has obtained the information and advice pack that Wendy Waters had pulled together. It is now available on the website. It was suggested that the advice pack could be made available with grants.

 31/22: Business Links:

Cllr. Hatcher reported that the local business network groups continue to meet monthly in Larkins. The group is expanding and will likely need to look for a new venue.

32/22: Volunteers:

New Year, New Thing – Review

Unfortunately, Cllr. Dyke had been unable to attend to give feedback. Cllr. Hatcher will ask Cllr. Dyke to write a report, and the Clerk will add the item to the next Full Council agenda. Cllr. Simpson praised Cllr. Dyke for the fantastic job she had done organising the event, and reported on a volunteer recruitment success story for Age Concern.

33/22: Tourism:
Cllr. Hatcher had recently attended a Tourism meeting. He and Cllr. Dyke both attend the Tourism group meetings, and although Cllr. Dyke will not be standing at the parish council elections in May, she is keen to remain on the group.

Cllr. Hatcher reported that Graham Holmes, the Tourism group secretary, is keen for the Cake to include more Tourism information. Cllr. Fletcher advised that the centre spread in the next edition of the Cake will be the tourism map of Cranbrook. The museum has been asked to add some additional detail.

TWBC have updated the tourism posters in the Tanyard and in the Regal car park. The Jockey Lane board still needs replacing.

A video has been circulating on social media that was created by the Curator from Cranbrook Center for Collections and Research, at the Cranbrook Educational Community in Michigan. The video (filmed in Cranbrook, Kent) details the ancestral home of Cranbrook Educational Community co-founder George Gough Booth. The curator from Michigan collaborated with the Cranbrook Museum here in Carriers Road to produce the video. The Clerk will ask the museum if we can get permission to add a link to the video on the parish council website.

 34/22: Citizens Advice:

Cllr. Hatcher reported CA have now started weekly session at the library. There are flyers in the office advertising the service. The flyer will be added to the next edition of Cake. In addition, he has suggested some potential locations in town for Paddock Wood Advice Centre to hold a surgery.

35/22: Community Kitchen:

Cllr. Simpson advised that the last children’s meal will be served on Tuesday 4th April. Well-being in the Weald are in talks with the primary schools on how to best to provide ongoing support for children. Age Concern will continue serving soup at lunch time. She also reported that Age UK Tunbridge Wells are associated with the group Dementia and Me who provide memory cafes. They are looking to bring a memory café session to Evenden House.

36/22: Community Engagement:

Cllr. Hatcher would like to develop a public consultation policy for the council. Ideas include a poster of what the council does and regular social media posts. There is also a small budget for poster printing.

 37/22: Items for Information:

  1. Gilbert reported that the Mens Shed had just had its AGM. Other sheds in the area are making items like benches and selling them. This could be a consideration for Cranbrook Mens Shed once they have the workshop up and running. Items made could be sold at the monthly town market.
  2. Fletcher reported that the £17,000 from UKSPF will be spent on community kitchen’s running costs, lined curtains for Vestry Hall and towards double glazing in the Vestry Hall. Quotes are being obtained for a stairlift in Vestry Hall. Grants are available for Coronation benches.
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