

PRESENT: Cllr. Fairweather (in the Chair), Cllrs. Fermor, Fletcher, Kings, Pethurst and Smith.

APOLOGIES: Cllr. Gilbert

Declaration of Interests, Dispensations and Predetermination:

Members are required to declare any interests, dispensations or predetermination on items on this agenda in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct. Members are reminded that changes to the Register of Interests should be notified to the Clerk.

20/20: Issues from areas of responsibility:

a) Allotments:

Requests for polytunnel

A written request had been received from the tenant of plot 24 & 25. Members agreed to approve the application.

The tenant of plot 23 had also erected a polytunnel recently, although no request had been received. The Clerk agreed to contact the tenant and ask that a request is submitted as specified in the rules that all tenants agree to in their tenancy agreement.

b) Ball Field:

Food & Drink Festival/ Dog Show/Classic Car Show

The proposed event scheduled for 1st August was mentioned at the February Full Council meeting and all members agreed that it was a good opportunity for an enjoyable day out. Cllr. Waters was organising a meeting to discuss details shortly.

Cllr. Pethurst advised he had been contacted by Linda Page in her capacity as Chair of Cranbrook in Bloom to see if the Parish Council would consider entering the Ball Field in the parks section of the South East in Bloom competition this year. The entry cost is £50. Cllr. Fairweather proposed we enter the Ball Field on condition a member volunteers to take responsibility for the entry as he did not want to add a further burden on the Clerks time. This was seconded by Cllr. Fletcher and agreed. Cllr. Fermor offered to accompany the judges on the walk around and Cllr. Pethurst agreed to be the point of contact for the competition entry.

c) Crane Valley:

Cllr. Fletcher reported that the remnants of the recent tree felling were still in the Crane Valley. The Clerk agreed to chase the contractor but thought it could be because the land has been too wet for access.

There have been numerous reports of catapulting in the area. There had also been several incidents of criminal damage to some streetlights and bus shelters over the last couple of months, all of which have been reported to the Police. Cllr. Fletcher agreed to write to PCC Matthew Scott to explain how the lack of resources in the rural area has dented community confidence in the Police. Cllr. Fairweather had been successful in securing a focus on speeding in Frittenden by writing directly to the PCC, in his capacity as a  Borough Councillor.

Cllr. Fletcher advised that due to a different company developing the Brick Kiln Farm site, we would have the chance to revisit the S106 agreement and we could use the opportunity to reposition some of the play equipment from the Crane Valley, to a more suitable location on the Ball Field.

d) Jubilee Field:

Cllr. Fermor advised there were no issues to report.

21/20: Car Parks:

a) Regal

Cllr.  Kings had inspected the car park that day. More potholes had appeared in the exit road, many of which were on the edges of the areas that had been patched last year. It was agreed that The Clerk would speak to the contractor that had carried out the repairs and see if there was any solution available that would prevent the repairs failing at the joint seams. Members also agreed it would be worth contacting the Co-Op to see if larger delivery lorries were now being used that were likely to create more damage to the tarmacadam surface.

b) Jockey Lane:

No issues were raised.

c) Tanyard:

The Clerk advised that in the car park cleaning contract with TWBC, they were responsible for deploying the road sweeper and collecting debris such as fallen leaves.

Cllr. Smith agreed to research ratio of disabled spaces required legally, as they appear to be rarely used.   

22/20: Highways Issues:

No issues to report.

23/20: Any Other Environmental Management Issues:

No issues to report.

24/20: Litter Picks and Litter Bins:

Cllr. Fairweather advised Members that he had been in conservation with Cranbrook School who were tasking their students to complete regular litter picks in the Town. They would liaise with the Parish Office to borrow the litter picking equipment and would undertake their own risk assessments.

Cllr Fairweather also reported several parishioners were doing their own litter picks around Sissinghurst and their efforts were noticeable. He would be looking at dates for an organised litter pick as soon as current restrictions are lifted.

25/20: Items for Information:

Cllr. Fermor advised that CCAAC would be talking to the owners of the woodland adjacent to the Pound, regarding tree maintenance.

In response to Cllr. Kings the Clerk advised that Kent County Council are responsible for Public Rights of Way.

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