
PRESENT: Cllr. Fairweather (in the Chair), Cllrs. Fletcher, Mills, Pethurst and Stone.


31/23: APOLOGIES: Cllrs. Page and Tomlinson.


32/23: Declaration of Interests, Dispensations and Predetermination:

Members are required to declare any interests, dispensations or predetermination on items on this agenda in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct. Members are reminded that changes to the Register of Interests should be notified to the Clerk.

None Received


33/23: Play Equipment:

The Clerk reported Wicksteed were scheduled to install the new slide on the Ball Field on the 22nd April, weather conditions permitting. We are still awaiting a design from Wicksteed for a total revamp of the playground area, based on the responses received during the last consultation. We have already received designs from Proludic and Kompan. As soon as all the designs have been received the Clerks will meet with Cllr. Mills and a representative from the community to discuss how we can best engage with and incorporate the wishes of all users and parishioners.


Cllr. Fletcher had discovered a company which recycles lorry tyres to produce ‘TigerMulch’ a safety surfacing which imitates the appearance of natural bark. He felt the area between the metal teen shelter and the skate park would benefit from a surface treatment such as this. The Clerks would investigate the costs and look to see if it can be included in the S106 monies that have been allocated to the Crane Valley recreational area.


34/23: Update on King’s Coronation Benches:

The Clerk advised that the benches for both Sissinghurst and Cranbrook have been delivered. Unfortunately, due to the constant wet weather, installation has been delayed. The information required to claim the UKSPF grant through Tunbridge Wells Borough Council has been submitted. The Sissinghurst benches are being positioned on footpath WC104 to enable visitors, walkers and older local people to rest and enjoy the vistas towards Hempstead Forest, Benenden and Sissinghurst Castle. The picnic benches for the Ball Field will be located adjacent to the play area, the remaining two benches will be positioned on the north east edge of the field.


35/23: Allotments:

We had received a request from a tenant with mobility issues, wanting to create a gravel path between four raised beds to make his plot, numbered 14A more accessible. It was proposed by Cllr. Fairweather, seconded by Cllr. Pethurst and agreed to accept the plan as presented by the tenant. The entire cost of the project would be met by the tenant.


It had been noted that some of the plots were in need of attention, however as the weather had been so wet recently, Members agreed tenants should have more time to get their plots into a reasonable condition before they are contacted.


36/23: Highways Issues:

HIP update from Cllr. Page:

In the absence of Cllr. Page this item would be deferred until the next meeting.

The Committee discussed obtaining interactive speed signs for Cranbrook and Sissinghurst along with banners stating the 30mph is a limit, not a target to advise drivers that it is the maximum speed you can drive and should not be considered as a ‘goal’. Both ideas would be sent on to Cllr. Page to see if they could be considered partial solutions to issues raised in the HIP.


37/23: Car Parks:

The lining in Jockey Lane had been completed and several compliments received from parishioners and visitors.


The Clerk advised she had approached Mayell Groundworks for an additional quote to repair two large potholes at the far end of the Tanyard.


38/23: Litter Picks and Litter Bins:

We had been approached by Cranbrook School to come up with some ideas for student volunteering. It had been suggested that a litter pick would be a good use of their time. They had been signposted to TWBC to liaise with the ‘street scene’ team for equipment and to arrange collection of the rubbish.


39/23: Street Lighting:

There are still outstanding issues with the streetlight on the church path (column 72) and two on Waterloo Road (columns 130 on 131) all of which need to be resolved by UK Power Networks.


40/23: Any Other Environmental Management Issues:

Crane Valley Nature Reserve:

The annual report for the Crane Valley produced by Kent High Weald Project had been circulated to the Committee. It outlines completed works as well as ambitions for projects next year. The new Service Level Agreement for 2024/25, to include a refreshed site management plan, was expected soon.


KHWP had also asked for permission to apply for external grants to increase community engagement on the site and help tackle some of the ongoing issues such as littering, Members agreed to support them on any applications they make on our behalf.


41/23: Items for Information:

None raised.



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